
Hi Jaziel, just give me a high five…
Ooo… I know you are still in shock after what came out yesterday.
why don’t you just pamper yourself today, I have nothing more to say other than this.

You don’t have to pretend that we are any longer split apart, we are one now, You and I.
It is just a choice of yours to realize this. We have always been one you and me are Me. We are the I Am. I know it was a kind of a shock when your soul came in to talk to you, you have never experienced this before have you, or so you believe.

Do I really have to remind you, you have all of you have had this kind of experiences before, you have heard that inner “voice” so many times.
Never warning you or scaring you, not even guiding you.
Just that inner voice that have assured you that everything is fine, everything will just work out to the better for you. Just trust yourself and your intuition, your inner feeling your “Gnost” your way of communication with the God within.

Like now, you are trying to be mental about all of this, you are trying to find a rational explanation to what you are going through, why don’t you just follow that “voice”. Are you able to just trust it, because when you do you will be in the flow, everything will just happen to you just as you imagine.

And that is what I want to talk to you about today…
The soul are not telling you what to do, even your spirit are not telling you a shit.
You have your own consciousness, why don’t you use it. You are a Sovereign being, but the being you are, are not your body your Soul, your spirit or whatever else you can think of. Just like your Mother Father God back in the first circle, you are only Consciousness, do you understand. I suppose you are not, just like your readers. Actually I don’t think they have a clue about what I am trying to tell you.

I think that some of them have a mental picture of what I am talking about, but I do not believe that either you or even a single one of them actually have a clue.  Because this is something you have to experience.
So let us do that, if you are ready to let go of everything that you believe that this is.

So just sit back, and to you who read this. Sit back, close your eyes, take three deep breaths and say out loud from the bottom of you. I AM THAT I AM, not only say it but proclaim it load and clear. Than take another three deep breaths or more and just feel into it, and Jaziel no more writing before you have done this, and to you all just open your eyes again when you are ready to come back. Just empty your mind and do it.


Did it flip for you, I know I can feel it… It did at least for Jaziel, suddenly he became aware that he is not God (spirit) Also..

He is Spirit, He is God, He is I Jazhael and he is a Human Also. Yes he are here in a human form, but that is because he is Human Also, he is also me I am the Creator Angel Aspect of him, the one that became to realize itself as a single being… inside the void.
The first aspect of the I Am, the fist part of that I Am, the first manifestation of Spirit of The Queen and The King, from the Kingdom of Oneness in this reality.

From all that Was, because in a way  I am sorry to say. But it doesn’t exist anymore, except from one place…

Inside of you..

You do, You are here right now, you exist therefore You Are. You are Human Also, but first of all you are…


8 thoughts on “I AM

  1. fantastisch hi Jazhael so nun wau wo soll ich beginnen es ist unglaublich as so in mir vorgeht könnte bücher schreiben darüber seit ich in der schaumbra gruppe bin fühl ich mich nicht mehr alleine 🙂 es tut so gut von jedem was zu bekommen der dankbahrkeit zu hören und die botschaften zu verstehen ist einfach grossartig ich liebe mich von tag zu tag immer mehr bin stolz auf mich das ich immer auf meine intuizion höre und meinen gefühlen aufmerksahm keit gebe den das ist was ich bin ich ich fühle so viel glück das ich mich am liebesten auflösen würde ahahah nein ich hab die aufgabe meinen drei licht wesen den weg zu öffnen den sie kreativ sein und gehen können ich bin so hyper aktiv kann kaum schlafen ahahah fühl mich fre von dem System hier auf erde ..hab so viele Ideen die ich verwirklichen will und spühre das die zeit kommen wirt in dem ich mein geben werde liebe glück und Geborgenheit . ich hab begonnen zu kreiren bilder meiner Gefühle ausdruck zu verleien doch damit nicht genug hab ebenso begonnen lieder zu schreiben sporadisch musik zu komponieren uff soviel will ich tu …dieses wocheende hatte ich ein energetisches down aber hab losgelassen und an mich geglaubt undsiehe da alles wurde wider grün 🙂 bin dabei auch en buch zuschreiben über mich und das jetzt naja mahl sehen ahah hoff wirt ein bestzeller ahahah liebe grüsse Vanessa ❤ 😉

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